Photography is a highly complex creative matter, if you wanna do it right... even more difficult than filming or writing. You need to capture an entire story literally in a split of a second: a static image that can make you understand and feel what is all about. And you need to work hard, be patient, have imagination and be darn’ good to make it happen!
This is exactly what the amazing PhotoBadgers are. Be it in the depth of the Danube Delta with an elusive eagle seen once in a lifetime, at a street art festival when the grafittis and surrounding light complement the t-shirt of a visitor, or in a professional setting converting corporate types into cool, relatable role-models, the PhotoBadgers create engaging, dynamic narratives with just one snapshot!
Catalin & Renate are hard-working, very professional, thorough, super creative and truly inspirational. I highly recommend these wonderful visual story-tellers!
- Ciprian PăltineanuCo-Founder Wolf e Rides